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My So-Called Triple-Life

Something I’ve been meaning to write about for a few days - but kept putting off because the subject matter feels particularly heavy for me to think about, let alone write about - is about my ‘triple-life’. Also, this is mostly a thought-stream, so may involve lots of waffling and jump around, but hopefully it’s consistent at least…

Now many people, including myself, seem to have many personas in terms of who they are with themselves, with family, with significant others, with friends, with colleagues, with strangers, etc., though I often hear these personas being categorised into a binary distinction of personal and professional lives, as if living a double-life, if you will. Whilst I can understand this, it personally always seemed like a hassle to me that I imagine I’d find exhausting to indulge in - pretending to be somebody other than myself at work or wherever seemed like not only extra effort (kind of implying who I’d be personally would either be at least ‘good enough’ for a professional setting or conversely not suitable and therefore not ‘have to’ consider a professional setting in the first place =/ I’d like to think I strive for the former…) but also a compromise on who I am.

The thing is, though, I kinda felt that way about having a double-life because I find being ‘me’ exhausting enough as it is already, in that who I am in front of others is typically a very filtered and relatively refined version of myself that’s constantly trying to consider what everybody’s thinking and how they’re feeling as well as how certain things being said or done may make them feel, and not just by myself but by others, too (which is why I find one-on-one interactions much easier in general because as soon as another person is present I have a hard time trying to juggle and anticipate it all just as we currently do with the three-body problem in physics). I’d like to point out (perhaps to convince myself, too…who knows?), this isn’t to say this is not me, or a a dishonest/false version of me, but rather I see it like the difference between “I’ll be honest.” and “I’ll be honest and frank.” (which I imagine still won’t sit well with some and am open to feedback on this of course). This is a bit of a tangent and one I intend to write about properly/elaborately in a separate post, but for now I will say that there are three quantities in mathematics of particular significance to me (though no disrespect meant to Euler’s Equation!) that I in turn try to ‘mirror’ in reality (given how the analogies I tend to try to understand Life/Existence/the Universe with are pretty much all centred around maths, physics, and computer simulations…): Zero, One, and Infinity. I generally think/feel as if I (as well as possibly most, if not all, others) typically have a version of themselves for Zero others i.e. who they are when by themselves, for One other i.e. who they are when with some individual they hold in a particularly significant regard, and for Infinite others, i.e. who they are when with everybody else in general. This isn’t to say it’s a strict ‘law’ or anything, especially between One and Infinity, plus I guess there is somewhat of a goal for Zero and One to be the same, but it’s a framework that’s there in my mind.

Aaaaaaannyway, that tangent aside, the thing I actually intended to get down in writing is my so-called triple-life, which, in short, is basically me trying to live in a way that keeps the three possible outcomes I see for my Life (and the respective paths to each of those outcomes)…possible. What I mean by that is that the three outcomes that I see, I also regard as mutually exclusive, and because I can’t figure out which one to commit to, I try to ensure all three outcomes are simultaneously possible at any given moment. This is, as you can expect (if I haven’t confused you with my scatty narrative, sorry!), very difficult to do and, again, incredibly exhausting. Yet I feel it is necessary =/ This is a very brief take on my triple-life:

  1. Suicide - outcome seems most fitting and feels most right, as in the thing I’m ‘meant to do’, for various reasons, but I think is wrong - likelihood: varies depending on how I’m feeling;

  2. Conceding that most of the problems in both my family and in society probably won't change and cycles will repeat, and that the rest of my days will most likely be spent just fighting those problems and battles where I can and looking after my family/others and teaching them to cope with things as best as I can - outcome feels like defeat and too much of a compromise, that the needs will always come above my wants, and will probably end up with me losing my battle against cynicism and becoming a husk - likelihood: seemingly very high as this seems the most realistic and seems to match my current trajectory; and

  3. That things will actually work out and improve, and those problems in my family and society will be resolved, or at least improved/resolved enough that I can have that life I used to imagine when I was a child where I am a good husband and a great father - outcome is the one I actually want, but also seems naive and idealistic of me, yet maybe it is possible to change the world… - likelihood: seemingly very low.

(I was going to make a mini, rather clichéd, three-panel comic summarising these with a filled black panel, a mundane/bleak grayscale outlook on life for the second, and a happy outlook third panel filled with colour, but I’m terrible at drawing as it is that without my tablet there’s even less chance of it looking like how it does in my mind.)

Originally it was only #3. Then on my 15th birthday #1 came into play and was meant to take effect on my 16th birthday, though #3 would still twinkle from time to time. Evidently, this did not happen, and I initially thought #1 would take a little longer than expected (in my mind the hold-up was because I still hadn’t worked out a way to morally justify it, but it’s very possible I was in denial about it - who knows?) so still it was predominantly #1 with a few appearances by #3 here and there. I didn’t consciously realise but during my late teens and early twenties is when #2 started popping up more and more, and so, for pretty much the last decade of my life, I’ve been constantly trying to juggle these three outcomes. And like I said, they’re fairly mutually exclusive so it makes me hold back on a lot of things, particularly the idea of a relationship. As in, #3 is the outcome I’d actually like, but given the likelihoods of #1 and #2, and even the fact that I think about them as ‘viable’ outcomes, I don’t think it’s exactly moral/fair for me to have a relationship with somebody whilst keeping those possibilities in mind =/ Incidentally, this has put me in an odd situation for many years in that I feel whatever love, affection, compassion, kindness, etc. I have, I feel I should share or even ‘give away’ to others in general rather than ‘reserving’ for that ‘special someone’ (because if you have something good, you want to share it, or at least I hope that’s the case), which people can often somewhat understandably misinterpret (though still I wish they’d ask and try to understand rather than generalise and assume). Even though this is arguably not what the following scene was about, I often think of this rather climactic moment - kinda a spoiler if you haven’t seen it though! - from the film Gattaca when dwelling on this predicament - of not saving anything for the swim back, because there is no swim back.)

The apparently obvious solution to my dilemma of course would be to commit to one of the three outcomes, i.e. #3, and disregard the other two, though of course how that plays out is how the three outcomes came to be in the first place. So I don’t know. It’s hard. And emotions are hard. And people don’t often make sense. So I don’t know how to do this and I still wish I could just commit to #1 and be done with it, but Hope seems to glimmer on, even though I now consider Hope a double-edged sword =/ I think I’ll stop there. Thanks if you read this.

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I think quitting the PhD in February last year has left me feeling defeated, and I only realised it in the last month. I intend to write more about this but I just don’t have the energy right now, but that’s also part of how I think I know I feel defeated - I feel like don’t have the energy to “fight the good fight” any more. I just removed and blocked somebody on Facebook, which might be trivial enough for some, but is a huge thing for me, because I feel like I’ve passed a huge judgement on somebody by removing them as a “friend” on Facebook, but blocking them feels even worse because I’ve effectively shut the door on them. Generally I make a point to “leave the door open, but stop checking if they’ve come through it” in situations like this; as in I don’t want to turn my back on anybody, but this person’s demonstrated on several occasions to seemingly discard the evidence and draw a conclusion completely to the contrary of what that evidence would have suggested. And the most worrying thing about it all is that - from what I can tell - they genuinely think they’re right.

In the film “Captain America: Civil War”, there’s a line where Peter Parker (Spiderman) says to Steve Rogers (Captain America) that Tony Stark (Iron Man) said that Steve thinks he’s right, and that makes him dangerous. I thought I understood and this statement and the gravity of it well enough and of course it made me reflect on my own convictions well enough (including now; I’m aware that just because I think the aforementioned person is wrong doesn’t mean they are, and the consequences of me thinking that they are could also be dangerous - it’s not a comforting notion to doubt oneself, of course, but it’s still something we have to do…I think), but I think I had never seen such outright denial of evidence/facts until the last year or so with this person. As in full on twisting of facts without seemingly being aware of it, of the fact itself that they had completely misinterpreted a number of people pointing out their argument was wrong and coming away from it thinking they had managed to convince some of those people they were right and this was cause for celebration =/ And whilst it’d be plausible in this day and age to think that they are a ‘master troll’, I really don’t think that’s the case. And it’s so worrying.

But yes, I think am defeated. I couldn’t put in the effort any more to try to gently and constructively point out the flaws in their logic, nor put up with their accusations about me, when before I could and would tolerate it in the hopes that this was just an innocent misunderstanding on their part. I couldn’t fight “the good fight” (could a fight ever be such a thing?). The thing that makes me really think I’m defeated, though, is that it no longer feels “All or Nothing” to me, I don’t feel like “either I will live in this world upholding principles as best as I can or die trying”, I just feel as if I should resign to whatever this fate seems to be, and just accept things as they are, not as they could be.



Here we go again...

I’ve realised that, for most blank white/off-white walls that I sit by, I tend to think of them as a canvas for what’s in my head to be splattered across.


Things About My Mother - I

Rather emotional right now. Not in a particularly ‘good’ way. But just thought I’d write this here because I think my mother’s been through a lot and for some irrational human ‘reason’ want her legacy to be remembered (I ‘get’ legacy yet at the same time don’t really get it).

When she was a kid, she really wanted to be a solicitor.
When she was a kid, she also really wanted to go to school (girls typically didn’t go to school in the society she grew up in) so badly that she’d keep washing some of her clothes for school to try to soften her father into letting her go. (She managed to go for a little while but her family couldn’t afford to keep her there. I’ve mentioned this elsewhere I believe).

Note: Please don’t try to fill in the blanks/interpolate/extrapolate about anything. There’s nuance to take into consideration and I often have to spend so much effort dispelling misconceptions and people filling in the blanks according to their prejudices and narratives. Just take what I said as data points and acknowledge that the rest is “unknown”. Please. Sorry for being so curt, too :(


A little update...

Hello there. It’s been a while, as usual, despite my intentions. Just thought I’d at least drop in to update you on my situation regarding my PhD. I quit, a little over a month ago. Too many problems to handle - from not getting enough support during my PhD (even though I addressed the relevant persons on all levels about this several times…) to the ongoing family dramas I’ve alluded to and mentioned before. I was actually pretty close to the end of my PhD it seemed, in that all I was doing now was pretty much writing up, but turns out I couldn’t hack coping with the environment I’m in again any more. So it’s a shame, I feel quite bummed out, and pretty much every day I’ve felt like bursting into tears, but crying is something I don’t seem able to do any more (pretty sure this is psychosomatic as that seems more likely than physiologically being unable to cry…I think?), so I just carry it with me and am constantly feeling on edge.

That said, quitting seemed to be the most pragmatic outcome in a way. My though process was pretty much: “I need to get out of this environment, but I have no financial means of doing so, so I need a job for financial income, but I can’t get a job until I finish my thesis, so I need to finish my thesis, but I can’t focus on my thesis with all the stuff going on around me here, so I should try to focus on resolving those problems first, but I’ve been trying that for most of my life and nobody here seems to actually listen, so I need to get out of this environment…” and it just seemed to a vicious cycle that dragged on. So I had to compromise the thing I actually really wanted to do - a PhD - for a long portion of my Life (this is in the version of my Life I entertain/hope for where I don’t commit suicide, in case you’re wondering about inconsistencies). Though compromise is not foreign to me, of course (that’s not to say I’ve always compromised, or even compromised the most compared to others, or anything like that at all. Just relegating my stuff to the back-seat or even chucking it out of the car altogether is something I’m familiar with and almost ‘normalised’ for me.

But yes, one of the ‘lighter’ questions this leaves me with is: Am I no longer able to consider myself a scientist? Without any publications that have gone through peer-review, I don’t have any official credit to my name in that respect. To be frank, I didn’t really call myself a scientist before anyway, as I figured that’s a title/right I earn after submitting and passing my thesis and viva. “The Dark Scientist”, my blog title, was meant more as a light-hearted joke with some relevance to me doing a PhD, but at the same time was intended to be qualified once I’d completed my PhD. So now that I’m not doing a PhD and have no research published to my name (yet? Not sure…), is my blog title slightly fraudulent and requires a change?

Still thinking this one over…



The "Death-Friend"

Hello :)

I know I haven’t posted here in quite some time, and I have been meaning to quite regularly to be frank (say once a week, at least). As usual, though, there’ve been other things getting in the way, be it actual stuff to do, or more likely the constant apathy and my lethargy in anything that seems to be ‘for myself’. Anywho, here I am trying to make amends of sorts (to whom? I have no idea - to you the readers and audience, I guess, but I don’t think I have any ‘regulars’ that wait with baited breath for my next post :P If I do, though, I am sorry! I don’t mean to overlook you or anything, I just wasn’t aware and had no indication of it, as far as I could tell.).

So, the “Death-Friend”.

This is a concept that’s been more or less been floating around in my head as some vague and unidentified form for almost half of my life, and I may have even made allusions to it in my past posts, but it’s only very recently that I think I figured out what that presence in my mind was. In short, a “Death Friend” is a friend who you feel comfortable sharing your Death with, and the moments leading up to it, be it the moments just before your passing, or the months and years before as you try to set your affairs in order.

Of course, there are a few things to point out with this:

  1. It presumes you know when you’re going to die. Nobody really knows this for sure until the moment it happens, of course. However, the general implication is that this is either somebody who’s “terminally ill”, or planning their Death (be it suicide or assisted-suicide). So we’re on ‘dark’ territory here, but that’s usually the case with me, as you’ve probably figured out by now if you’ve read my previous stuff, and if not, now you know! :D

  2. I actually wouldn’t consider this any different from other types of friends, and would hope that, if faced with the situation for whatever reason, a good friend would be able to support one through to the end of one’s Life. Of course, Death is not necessarily an easy thing to deal with and we all have our own thoughts and feelings about it, so I’m certainly not saying one has to be able to fulfil this, and that’s why I thought of the notion of a death-friend in the first place. Because some times the person you may consider your best friend may not seem ready or able to bear such a weight, and that’s understandable, and you don’t want to impose upon them or burden them any more than you may already feel like you are doing or have done.

  3. When I say “sharing your Death with”, I don’t mean they die too, like a suicide-pact or something, just that they’re with you at the moment of your passing so you don’t feel alone at the end of this Life, at least (if you want them to be and don’t want to feel that way, that is).

Anywho, that’s all. Hopefully I’ll be posting more regularly and of about this length from now on (as a general guideline, not a hard rule).

Take care :)



Guilty feelings

The idea itself of expressing any of my feelings - whatever they are - makes me feel guilty and I wish I could figure out how not to.
